Welcome to our farm. We are the Bowens.
This nursery is the embodiment of many of the things what we hold dear to our hearts. Freckles in particular are a big part of our life. We have been blessed with sun kissed, freckle faced babies. Our efforts here are a tribute to the inspiration that they are to us. Keep an open eye and if you see a freckle faced kid chasing a chicken, chances are it's one of ours.
Freckles are an endearing mark of individuality. You are here now sharing our story and will forever be a part of our gardening family. Your unique influence will help shape who we become. We welcome your ideas and feedback.
Farming runs in our blood, but the truth is each one of us is a steward of living things. We know that there is a natural connection between all people and Mother Earth. In some people that connection is buried pretty deep and long forgotten. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or an overwhelmed rookie we are so glad you are here. We hope to inspire you to seek out the joy and fulfillment that comes from participation in gardening and landscaping. Come back often to share your successes and failures and let's grow something together.