Thursday, September 19th
2:00-5:00 pm
Right about this time of year is when your indoor plants are all stressed out. The long summer days and crazy schedules lead us to forget about our dear beloved houseplants.
Insert a spa day!
Just like us, our plants can benefit from R&R every now and again. September is still is the perfect time to give your indoor plants some much-needed love after the long summer abuse. Come join us and treat your very special plant baby to a spa. Our plant care experts will walk you through:
- Individualized care recommendations for your plant
- Discuss fertilizer schedule
- Groom any branches or leaves to give your baby a better shape
- Assess if a re-pot is needed (and show you how to do this in the future!)
- Shine up any grimy leaves
- Our staff will also perform any needed re-pots by request*
All plant care knowledge is free of charge! Come pick our brains and green up that houseplant thumb.
If you have any concerns with indoor pests or diseases please call our store at 435-563-2648 to set up a complimentary one-on-one appointment.
*If your plant does need a re-pot we are more than happy to provide this service. Guests are welcome to bring in a pot and we will re-pot any houseplants for a minimal planting service charge to cover the soil and necessary tools.
**If you choose to buy a pot while you are here for the spa day, the planting service IS COMPLIMENTARY. Score a new pot to show off your plant's new fresh style.
Please select a time from the time slots below to guarantee you a spot. All walk-ins are welcome but may experience longer wait times for our plant care experts.